Our company covers more than 10000 square meters and has fixed assets of 30millon RMB. Our company owns GMP clean workshop and advanced production machinery, such as 10 colors high-speed printing machines, high-speed laminated machines with digital control, high-speed bag-making machines and cutting machines. The advanced laboratory has been built up for more than 8 years with equipping gas chromatography, electronic tensile testing machine, vacuum testing machine, counter pressure retort testing machine and so on. The daily capacity of making-bag is close to 1.8million bags. Our company has realized the production value of 80million RMB.
Contact Us
- Tel: 86-22-86875640
- M.P: 86-138 2136 2842
- Fax.:+86-22-84841789
- Email: kellyzhang@unipackchina.com; emilywang@unipackchina.com
- Add:JinXi Industrial Park, Beichen District, Tianjin 300400, China.